New 100% Bamboo Charcoal Seat Pad for Sale (Can be Combined to Sleep on)

Superior Product utilizing Japan's manufacturing technology
Absolutely Natural and known as "Black Diamond" in Japan

(Seat Pads can be Combined to become a Floor Tatami to Sleep and Rest on due to its Anti-Slip Base)
  • Natural Negative Ions and Far-Infrared rays enhances blood circulation and metabolism, reduces fatigue and induce a calming effect on the mind
  • Dispels harmful Electromagnetic Waves
  • Anti-Bacteria and Anti-DustMites
  • Powerful Odor absorber and Deodorizer
  • Excellent natural Humidifier in regulating excess moisture
  • Relief of Joint Pain and Muscle Tension
  • Individual Charcoal Sachets provide massage effect

Selling for only SGD $28

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